I am excited to run for HPISD School Board, Place 4.
With two kids in college and two still progressing through HPISD, Lori and I believe the district has provided our kids a strong educational foundation. We have several ideas on where the school district must improve, and I will guide the district to realizing these objectives (amongst others already in place):
Top pay for teachers (please read this clearly: not higher pay, not better pay, not more pay – top pay) - I will say a lot about this in the weeks to come;
Decidedly fewer instructional screens in school;
Better budget transparency that allows us all to understand the tradeoffs we are making between operational overhead and other areas;
Improved college admissions results at top national universities and our elite state institutions; and
Broader board perspectives.
One more thing you should know about me: I am not afraid to challenge ideas that many of us find questionable. Look at the 2015 bond - I said it was too much and even proposed an Alternative Plan in a sister publication of D Magazine. Ten years later, I continue to demonstrate the good judgment, intellect, and common sense it takes to be a stellar school trustee.
Our state and our community are at a critical juncture on the path of our public education. An academic upheaval is upon us - but so are tremendous opportunities. My campaign’s assessments and ideas will help us realize greater success than ever.
Let’s go.
We will atract and retain the best teachers by offering the best pay in the market. No more excuses and no more plans to be better in the future. We can, we must, and we will.
Teacher Pay
Fewer Instructional
Screens in School
When there is a choice between using more tech or less tech for teaching and learning, let’s be biased towards less tech.
budget transparency
Better budget transparency will allow us to understand the tradeoffs we are making between operational overhead and other areas.
Improved college
Improve college admissions results at top
national universities and our elite state institutions.
Our school board is most effective when we have a wide range of viewpoints on the board.